Khamis, 11 Ogos 2016

reflection week 10

Evaluation related to curriculum evaluation is to consider the effectiveness of the work in accordance with the purposes, objectives and goals set by using the approach in the curriculum. wherein, the assessment is that theoretically informed approach either clear and unclear. Wherein, the reaction will be assessed after identifying changes in the future. It is, in the children's curriculum will be evaluated on their learning in classifying them based on the reaction of the brand and serve as a learning experience in the subject through the stands.
  • Scientific Vs Humanistic evaluation.

  • Formative and Summative Evaluation.

-Evaluation also can as formative evaluation (part) and summative evaluation (whole). formative is a collecting data on those activities undertaken to improve an existing program during the development and early piloting of a course or program, while summative is a collecting data on an existing program after it has been developed and implemented. Where, summative focuses on the effectiveness of the course or program. above show to different between both evaluation.

  •  Phases of evaluation.
Focusing on the curricular phenomena to be evaluated (what).
-collecting the information.
-organizing the information.
-Analyzing the information.
-Reforting the information.
-Recycling the information (continual update)

  •  Evaluation Vs. Grading
-The evaluation of student learning is far too complex an enterprise to be reduced to a single grade.
-More grades= better evaluation.

  • Goals and Roles Evaluation
1. goals- What it is supposed to do, i,e determine the progress of learners achieving the aim, goals and objective of the curriculum
2. roles- What it is used to do. for example,honor role, clubs, punishment.

  •   calculating costs of training.
Step to calculating costs-to determine the costs of a training project. a trainer needs to calculate:
  -All development and personnel costs
  -All materials costs
  -All delivery costs
  -Total expenditures

  • Goal of Evaluation.
1. Learner improvement.
2. Methods
3. Document validation
4. Product assessment

   overall, evaluation one of the important on curriculum design because we can know how to improve to children in develop them cognitive, behavior and humanistic


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